Supplier Code of Conduct.
This Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code of Conduct”) applies all our Suppliers, Vendors and companies who supply us with products and services to Datamatics Group (DBS) comprising of different legal entities as set out [here]. It states the expectation from our supplier to share our commitment to best practices and continuous improvement in:
- Ethical business practices
- Management practices that respect the rights of all employees and the local community
- Minimizing our impact on the environment
- Providing a safe and healthy work place
DBS recognizes that our suppliers are independent entities; however the business practices and actions of a supplier may impact on or reflect upon DBS. In addition, better quality products and services are produced by suppliers with superior operating principles and practices.
For this reason we bind all our suppliers to the following social, ethical and environmental minimum standards of conduct set out overleaf, and encourage each supplier to adopt our preferred and favored standards. We will actively engage our high spend and high risk suppliers and their supply chains in assessment and improvement processes towards this end.
“Supplier” or “Vendor” here means any business, company, corporation, person or other entity that provides, sells, or seeks to sell, any kind of goods or services to DBS, including the Supplier’s employees, agents and other representatives.
- comply with all relevant local and national laws and regulations with regard to employment practices, benefits, health and safety and anti-discrimination;
- have written labour/workplace management policies and standards;
- provide a workplace free of direct or indirect discrimination, harassment or bullying on the grounds of gender, age, race, nationality or ethnic origin, disability, family responsibilities or parental status, marital status, the occupation of spouse or partner, medical or irrelevant criminal record, political convictions, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, religious beliefs or activities, sexual preference or sexuality, industrial activity or union membership, physical appearance, social origin or careers responsibilities.
- not use child, forced or involuntary labour in any form.
- committed to the provision of training and development for employees.
- provide fair pay and working conditions, including adequate rest periods and parental leave, and match prevailing working conditions.
- give consideration to the needs of, risks to and requests made by employees, as a stakeholder in the operation of the business.
- Business Records: Honestly and accurately record and report all business information and comply with all applicable laws regarding their completion and accuracy. Create, retain, and dispose of business records in full compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Be honest, direct, and truthful in discussions with regulatory agency representatives and government officials.
- Press: Speak to the press on behalf of DBS only if the Supplier is expressly authorized in writing to do so by DBS.
- Gifts: Avoid gifts to DBS employees because even a well-intentioned gift might constitute a bribe under certain circumstances, or create conflicts of interest. Do not offer anything of value to obtain or retain a benefit or advantage for the giver, and do not offer anything that might appear to influence, compromise judgment, or obligate the DBS employee. If offering a gift, meal, or entertainment to DBS employees, always use good judgment, discretion, and moderation. Any gifts, meals, or entertainment must comply with applicable law, must not violate the giver’s and/or recipient’s policies on the matter, and must be consistent with local custom and practice.
- Conflicts of Interest: Avoid the appearance of or actual improprieties or conflicts of interests. Suppliers must not deal directly with any DBS employee whose spouse, domestic partner, or other family member or relative that creates any actual or potential conflict of interest for DBS. The Supplier understands that a conflict of interest arises when the material personal interests of DBS employee are inconsistent with the responsibilities of his/her position with the company. All such conflicts must be disclosed and corrected. Even the appearance of a conflict of interest can be damaging to DBS and to the Supplier, and are to be disclosed and approved in advance by DBS management.
- Insider Trading: Avoid insider trading by not buying or selling DBS or another company’s securities when in possession of information about DBS or another company that is not available to the investing public and that could influence an investor’s decision to buy or sell the security.
- The Supplier must comply with all relevant local and national laws and regulations with regard to occupational health and safety and the provision of health related benefits to employees.
- The supplier must have written safety and health policies and standards.
- The supplier must have a documented system to identify and reduce work-related injury and illness.
- Provide a safe and healthy work environment and fully comply with all safety and health laws, regulations, and practices including those applicable to the areas of occupational safety, emergency preparedness, occupational injury and illness, industrial hygiene, physically demanding work, machine safeguarding, sanitation, food, and housing. Adequate steps must be taken to minimize the causes of hazards inherent in the working environment.
- Prohibit the use, possession, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs while on DBS-owned or – leased property.
- Comply with all relevant local and national laws and regulations with regard to land and water management, waste and recycling, the handling and disposal of toxic substances, discharges and emissions, noise, transportation of products, wastes and materials, material selection, environmental issues management and community consultation. This includes environmental permit and reporting requirements.
- Must have a written environment policy.
- Must have a written environmental management plan to identify and minimize the impact of their activities on the environment.
- The supplier must adopt similar principles to these in dealing with their own key suppliers, such as high spend, strategic and high risk suppliers.
- The supplier must adhere to acceptable business practices with their own suppliers, including providing for timely payment and reasonable contractual conditions.